
Wall with a computer table in the interior - features and rules of choice

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The feature of the wall in the living room with a computer table

A feature of this design is multifunctionality. Of course, a certain piece of space will have to be allocated for it, but this measure will more than pay off with numerous advantages.

  • Roominess.
  • Possibility of installation taking into account the characteristics of the room.
  • Compactness.

The furniture wall consists of open and closed elements for various purposes:

  • wardrobes for clothes,
  • pencil case for books
  • glass display cases for dishes and collectibles,
  • TV stands and related equipment,
  • document drawers,
  • built-in computer desk.

There are models that even have a folding bed in their design. This option should be taken into service by the owners of small one-room apartments.

The design of modern walls is diverse. There are products in which the table top is one of the shelves of the open rack.

The folding or sliding surface makes it possible to quickly create a convenient workplace, and then easily return everything to its original position.

There are sliding wardrobes that hide a mini cabinet behind a sliding sash.

Options for the location of a computer table in a furniture set

Installation of a computer table is carried out taking into account certain requirements, this must be taken into account when choosing a wall.

  • Ergonomics
  • Functionality.
  • Adequate lighting.
  • Ability to create an isolated zone.
  • Compact and inconspicuous.

The classic arrangement involves filling a furniture set with one of the walls from floor to ceiling. It is advisable to choose it if necessary to place a large number of things. The option is suitable for spacious rooms. The table is in an impromptu niche between the cabinets.

In mini designs, the countertop is often hung on the wall, and fits well with pedestals and shelves.

The angular configuration saves space, helps to efficiently use the space and has a good capacity. An interesting solution will be a worktop with a rotation function around the support stand. After work, it is easy to return to its original position.

Materials of manufacture and coating

A number of materials are used in the manufacture of structures.

  • Tree. Considered the best option. It has high performance, but, unfortunately, the price of solid wood furniture is not affordable for most. The wooden surface is varnished to protect and emphasize the pattern.
  • Chipboard. The material consists of pressed chips, sawdust and resin. There is always a decorative coating on top. Its destruction during operation leads to the evaporation of phenols and formaldehydes hazardous to humans. Therefore, it is so important that all edges are securely closed. Material is afraid of moisture. Under its influence, swelling and deformation of the plates occurs. Commonly used to create a wireframe.
  • MDF. Fiberboard is not a health hazard, since lignin and paraffin act as a binder. In density, they are close to natural wood, have the ability to acquire a curved shape, which increases the decorative characteristics. They tolerate conditions of high humidity, but are sensitive to temperature increase. Mainly used to decorate the facade.
  • Fiberboard. It is obtained from waste wood by dry and wet pressing. The thickness of the material is 4 mm, so it is used only for the back surfaces and bottoms of drawers.

Individual elements can be made of glass, metal, mirrors.

Various technologies and materials are used for surface finishing.

  • Lamination involves decorating with special paper, which is embossed and varnished. It is considered not too durable.
  • The melamine coating is highly resistant to various factors (humidity, temperature changes). Consists of paper coated with a layer of resin.
  • Lamination allows to achieve durability and reliable protection. It is a film created on the basis of melamine resin. It can have a different texture: smooth or reliably imitating natural materials.
  • Postforming is used for items with smooth lines. The composition of the surface layer is paper and plasticizer, which, under the influence of temperature, takes on a predetermined shape.
  • Veneering consists in gluing thin sheets of natural wood. Allows to give furniture a noble look.

The end edges are covered with paper, PVC film, veneer, ABS plastic or a special profile.


The facade is responsible for the visual perception of the wall.

There are various options.

One-piece doors are made of one material. Differ in durability and considerable weight.

More space for the embodiment of design ideas gives an option consisting of a frame and an insert. In the frame there are special grooves in which the panel is installed. Allowed the combination of different materials, the creation of unusual shapes.

For modern interiors, furniture with a large number of open shelves or shelves is often chosen. With their help it is convenient to zone space. They look more light to them airy. The only problem is the need for continuous dust removal.


Front furniture fittings include handles, locks and decorative elements.

Opening of facades is carried out thanks to hinges, lifting devices, roller systems.

  • Sliding doors move along special runners parallel to each other. They allow you to save the area of ​​the room, but at the same time part of the internal volume is lost. Another minus is that the overview of the contents of the cabinet is reduced.
  • The swing version works thanks to the hinges. It is considered the most reliable and durable, but it is necessary to leave enough free space for normal operation. The folding modification is complemented by a mechanism that promotes smooth movement and reliably holds the sash in a horizontal plane. Has a load limit of 9 kg.
  • The lifting system is equipped with a spring unit or gas lift. This design is used for the upper compartments.
  • To extend the drawers, ball and roller guides are installed. The first option provides full opening, silent and smooth operation, withstands significant loads. More affordable in terms of price are roller systems. But you need to be prepared for loud sounds during the movement of the box, a partial review (approximately 2/3), short life.

Types of wall structures with a computer table

The wall in the living room with a computer table can be solid or consisting of separate elements (modules).

The first option is a design that, after assembly and installation, takes on a finished look. This piece of furniture largely determines the style decision of the interior, therefore, it is necessary to approach its choice responsibly.

The modular type makes it possible to swap objects at will. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to easily make changes to the familiar environment. Some sections are arranged near the table, creating a full-fledged working area, and the rest can be set separately.

Parts of the structure are often attached directly to the wall. For these purposes use furniture hinges and mounting plate.

The first method is considered more affordable, but requires more effort and time.

The use of a mounting strip makes the job easier. An important condition is: smooth walls and angles of 90 °. Hinges are mounted on cabinets. The presence of adjusting screws allows you to perfectly align the position of objects.

Selection rules

If you decide to purchase a wall with a computer table, it is important that the latter meets the requirements of ergonomics.

  • The height is chosen so that the countertop is at the level of the solar plexus of a seated person.
  • Depth should provide the correct distance to the monitor. The minimum value is 45 cm.
  • The width depends on what types of work are planned to be performed. The lower border is 60 cm.

It is worth considering the availability of space for the system unit, the rest of the equipment, openings for the output of wires, etc.

If a set of furniture is intended for a living room, then a TV is often installed in it.

A necessary condition is to ensure free movement of air, in order to avoid overheating of the appliance.

The size of the wall depends on the availability of free space. The bulky product will look ridiculous in a small room, and will occupy the entire free area. For such cases, it is worth choosing a mini option.

A wall with a computer table will make it possible to rationally use the space of the living room and the nursery, provide a convenient workplace, and solve the problem of storing things.


The situation in the living room is paid much attention to, because it is in this room that all family members gather and all incoming guests are accepted. That is why it is so important. organize space correctlyso that everything looks beautiful and at the same time is functional, depending on the needs of the family.

A wall with a working table is a standard wall with cabinets and shelves, with a niche for a TV, but a computer table is added to this variety of elements. As a rule, it is integral with the furniture and looks quite compact.

It is also possible to install a transforming table in the living room, it is well suited for those apartments where every square centimeter is important, and it can be converted as needed by the owner.

If the living room is combined with the dining room, then there is already one table, and setting up another table is often problematic, so the dining table can be made more multifunctional: a dining and a working one.

The wall can be large or small, just like the table itself - it can be multifunctional and the most ordinary.

Like any other desktop, the work area included in the wall assumes the location of different cabinets and drawers next to the table.

Advantages and disadvantages

Since the room wall is rather multifunctional furniture, everything that is necessary can be placed in it. This should take up as little space as possible and be functional.

There are several irrefutable advantages of the location of the working area along with the wall:

  • built-in shelves and cabinets can be placed in the wall to help organize work space and save space in the hall,
  • a desk can serve not only as a workplace, but also become a relaxation area with proper organization.

But there is a drawback that can become significant, for example, a table can interfere with any manipulations.

Varieties of designs

There are 2 main types of wall structures, which includes a table:

  • inline - after assembly it will not be possible to swap parts of the wall in places, there will be a finished look,
  • modular - it is possible to swap parts of the wall in places, move the table from place to place if necessary, it can be arranged in the order convenient for the owner.

Which one to choose depends only on the personal preferences of the landlord, each of them is good in his own way.

Materials and finishes

There are several options for materials that are used in the manufacture of walls with a table:

  • Wood is the best option for making living room furniture. It is usually varnished to emphasize the natural pattern; it is extremely rarely painted in any color. The material is high quality, wear resistant. But it has a significant drawback - this is the price of products, it is too high for most people.

  • Chipboard - panels consist of reborn chips, sawdust and resin. This mixture is coated with a decorative coating on top. If the coating is of poor quality, vapors harmful to human health may appear during the decomposition of the composition. And also this material is unstable to moisture, quickly collapses when water gets into it. As a rule, this material is used to create the frame of the product.

  • MDF - safe material for human health. These plates are made of wood fibers, which are glued together with paraffin or lignin. The texture resembles a real tree. It easily takes various forms, bends, for this reason it is often used for decoration. It responds well to a humid environment, does not deform under its influence. Most often, this material is used to create facades of products.

  • Fiberboard - this material is obtained from production waste, its thickness does not exceed 4 mm, for this reason it is used only for the rear walls of products or the lower parts of drawers.

And also in products, individual elements can be made of metal, glass or mirrors.

When choosing the basic material for the execution of the workplace, combined with the wall, Each focuses on their capabilities, preferences. The choice also depends on the conditions in which the product will be contained.

Many different techniques are used to finish various surfaces:

  • Lamination
  • melamine coating
  • lamination
  • postforming.

Everyone also chooses these materials for their preferences and capabilities, since any of them looks good in any interior, if selected correctly.

How to choose?

When choosing a wall with a table, like any other furniture, you need to look not only at the appearance, but also at the quality of the product.

There are several rules that must be observed when choosing a wall with a computer table in the living room.

  • It is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the product is made. It should be of high quality, it should not have traces of glue, cracks at the joints.
  • Be sure to inspect all the accessories, it should be fixed well, should not hang out or fall off. And also you need to pay attention to the fact that it should be screwed onto the screws, and not glued. If she is put on glue, she certainly will not last long.
  • All facades must be made with high quality, there should be no chips on glass parts.
  • If the product is painted, it should be painted evenly, without bald spots, you need to pay attention to how the paint looks under different light.

If something does not suit you, you must definitely say so, especially if the furniture is made to order.

As for directly computer tables, in the modern market there are a variety of designs. Tables can be of various shapes and sizes, from the smallest to the very largest. When choosing a table, you must first focus on the capacity of the living room, and also take into account some nuances.

  • Room interior. If the living room is decorated in a classic style, it will not be entirely appropriate to put a high-tech desktop there.
  • You need to look at the functionality of the table. It can be multifunctional, or it can be the simplest, without any drawers or cabinets.

Location options

A good option is to place the workplace near the window, continuing the wall. This option is especially good if you have to work here mainly in the daytime. Another advantage of this arrangement is the ability to expand the workplace at the expense of the windowsill, if you make the desktop on order at this level.

A good option for a workplace in the wall is installation of the built-in table. Thus, you can save space and functionality of the living room.

This option is good for those apartments in which more than 1 room. In this design, the living room is used as a relaxation and working area, all storage systems are moved to another room, so here everything looks as minimalistic as possible.

This option is also interesting, here with the help of the wall they divided the space, while creating a working area that does not catch the eye.

An interesting option for installing a work surface - mount to the wall.

An interesting option for dividing space using a wall.

A wall with a table for the living room is an excellent solution for those who have little space in the apartment, and it is necessary to organize a working space. This option will fit perfectly into any interior of the living room.

See the video below for an overview of the wall with the table in the living room.